Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (1888 - 1965), was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, literary critic and editor.
He could have no idea of the forthcoming information deluge that would be precipitated by the internet, and yet his words are prescient: "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?" Like Eliot, horses still operate according to pre-internet instincts. They need us to be wise and knowledgeable, not just (well-)informed. Victor Frankl wrote, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." He wasn't talking about horsemanship, but to me his words ring true for both the horse and the trainer: as horse, as human and as the team they can be together. Here's an infographic showing six things you can do while you wait for the Corona Virus pandemic to abate! Practise basic hygiene, like washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after playing with your ponies. Here's a great tip from a my wise friend: wash (or sanitise) your hands for as long as it takes you to sing 🎶 Happy Birthday 🎶. Then dry with a paper or cloth towel, not a bacteria blower. Stay well! Need something to read? Consider my WINNING HORSEMANSHIP Book, delivered to your door or your device!
"The more you learn about yourself FROM a horse,
the better horsewoman you will become FOR a horse." Joanne Verikios SHARE IF YOU CARE Festive Greetings! I have something special for you! I have created a downloadable calendar for the New Year, as a token of my appreciation for you being part of my wonderful online circle. Thank you! The 2019 calendar features the classic heads of three gorgeous grey horses, celebrating beauty, spirit and dreams; with space for six of your own wishes, plans or goals (read the full article over at the Winning Horsemanship blog for some great ideas for transforming your New Year and your life)! If you print your calendar on both sides of an A4 sheet, write out your plans and then laminate the page, your intention for the year ahead will be sealed! The format is easy to view year-round and laminating will make sure it goes the distance!. Feel free to share. Why not run off a few to give to your friends, colleagues and students? Your New Year calendar is ready for immediate download here (or click on the picture above). Very best wishes to you and your horses for a merry Christmas and happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Joanne Verikios Are you on my direct mailing list? Click here to join. |